Saturday, 26 January 2013

New Job...

 After 10 years of just looking after the kids (and the house, and the washing etc), I've got a job.

This was my first week and it didn't go too badly - they were still smiling when I left the office and they said "see you on Monday".

I'm going to get really fit as well because, as soon as I drop Bucket jnr off at school, I have to march for about 30 minutes to get to work. I will be exercising 5 days a week!!!! Although,,, I must admit that at the moment my legs feel like jelly and I've discovered some muscles that I didn't know I had.

And I never thought I'd get excited by the words "DRESS DOWN FRIDAY". Sam xx


  1. Congratulations on the new job! hopefully things will improve financially for you and as a great bonus, you will get fit too!

    1. Thanks Anne, it will be nice to have a bit extra cash and even though the exercise will probably hurt for a little while, I just keep telling myself (a lot) that it will be worth it. Sam xx

  2. Well done on surviving the first week! I'm in the process of going back to work and although I've done it for 15 years before I was a mum, and I've only been at home 2 years, it's still a bit daunting!

    1. Thanks for your comment, it is hard especially in the current economic climate & after any break you start to wonder if you remember what to do. Good luck, Sam xx
