Friday, 2 March 2012

Fog & Books...

What is going on with this weather???

Look at this, my garden is out there somewhere, on a clear day we have houses at the back of us but not today - it is almost a complete pea-souper.

Now yesterday was another matter altogether, it was the first time that I'd put the washing out this year - IT WAS GLORIOUS.

Although, I left it out a little too late so it got cold and felt damp again BUT that's not the point. It was actually sunny enough and felt warm enough for me to want to put my washing on the line.

Also it was World Book Day and I managed to pick up these goodies for the kids.

Yes I know that I've only got two children and you get two book vouchers - the Skulduggery Pleasant book was for me as I love the stories and I'm going through a teen-read at the moment. I can't recommend this series of books enough if your kids have grown up with Harry Potter, are now a bit older and want another supernatural (in an easy going way) series of stories.

Well anyway, back to World Book Day and it was another day at school where you are encouraged to dress your kids up. Now I generally love this, it's fun watching the kids dress up in their costumes but why do I always seem to leave it to the last minute. It's the same with Comic Relief Day (spots) and Red Nose Day (anything red). Oh well...

I got a great idea from Freya at Tutorial Adventures and made Bucket jnr a brilliant dinosaur costume that went with his book "That's not my dinosaur".

   Although, he was a bit put out when one of the other kids thought he looked like a chicken. I don't know, kids today.... if I saw a chicken that looked anything like that, I'd run a mile. Sam xx


  1. No wonder everyone talks about our weather, you never know what it's going to do. I hung a sheet out yesterday and then text my daughter to tell her and she had done the same! And then last night we were both sniffing our washing. Crazy xxx

  2. Brilliant costume!! I dont think it looks like a chicken! My son rang me up on thursday saying my grandson needed a waistcoat for monday as he was going as a victorian schoolboy to a museum visit! Tony sacrificed a pair of his trousers and I made up a pattern which thankfully turned out to fit.Bit short notice though. As a mum/grandma you are expected to know what to do!
