Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Family game...?

I've just had a request to buy a game.

Now I'm not against family games - we love Rummikub and Sorry and we're even known to play Monopoly now and again. But I think I can definitely say that I will NOT be buying this one...
I know that kids find this funny but I just can't play a game about collecting dog poo.

Sorry kids, not this year (or ever). Sam xx

Monday, 24 September 2012

Crocodile plushie...

I have been around, honest. I've just been looking at other blogs, pinterest and trying to organise pockets of my cluttered house now that the kids have gone back to school (Bucket jnr started full time).

And after much nudging and hinting, I've finally gotten round to making the crocodile. If anyone wants to try doing a plush crocodile, to get some ideas I found it much easier to look up 'alligator'.

I did look at this site which gave me some ideas but in the end, with the rain pouring outside and armed with a pencil, rubber and a much needed cup of coffee, I freestyled a drawing of a crocodile.
 Then I changed the mouth.

 Cut out the material.

Might I just point out that this type of material is REALLY fluffy, especially when you cut it. The end bits all fluff off and get absolutely everywhere.
 My top used to be black,

 Nearly there.
 And, here it is...

 I didn't add on any eyes as I couldn't find any that I liked. Also, the little tag on the belly of the crocodile is to remind me where I sewed him up just in case he needs a bit of re-stuffing.

I have also recently made a bag and bought a cute jar/pot and I'll put some pictures on here soon but this crocodile has taken me all morning and I've done NO dishes; there is fluff EVERYWHERE and I also need to go shopping for some bits before the kids get out of school.

Definitely worth it though, to see the look on Bucket jnr's face when he comes home.

I'm just a bit worried what Miss Bucket is going to come up with to make for her next. Sam xx

Friday, 14 September 2012

Sewing some pouches..

I've finally gotten round to some sewing - HOORAY!!

 mess, mess everywhere

Bucket jnr has been staying for lunch at school and then next week he'll be there all day, so I've had a little extra time to do some other things.

I was looking at making myself a bag but thought I'd start small first and made these really cute pouches. I won't bore you with a tutorial as this wasn't my pattern and there are literally hundreds available to find on the internet. But in case anyone's interested, I followed Anna at Noodlehead's pattern which was easy enough even for me to follow.

Although I did have a few niggly moments: the first pouch has a wonky zip, so sorted this out by using tailors chalk on the next one. Also thought the stitches needed to be smaller; the second one is a bit smaller in size as I got carried away trying to make all the edges the same size; the third one I forgot to undo the zip a little bit so had to pick some stitches and then once I'd sewn it up again I realised that I'd forgotten the little tag so more picking.  Remember that I changed the stitch size? Yep, took me ages to unpick even a little bit.

I really thought that by the fourth one I'd cracked it, I sewed it all up and admired it lovingly. It was only when I was ironing it neater that I realised I'd mixed up the tags for no.3 and no.4....aaaarrrggh. Also, the tags are slightly on the p**s lop-sided.

Nevermind, I still like them and I'm NOT unpicking them again.

The open one is for me, the car one for Bucket jnr and the pink doggy one for Miss Bucket. The other one can be a spare. I think I'll pick up some more zips and make a whole load as gifts for that upcoming season that shall not be named, maybe fill with nail varnish or little sweets or both.

My next project has already been decided by Bucket jnr. Can you guess by the fabric?

 It's a .......crocodile.

Or at least it will be when I figure out how to make it. I'd better sort it out soon as I'm getting hassled hourly for this.
Sam xx

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Santa wish list...

I don't know how everyone else handles Christmas but my kids get a stocking from Santa (everything else is from us).

Every Christmas morning they wake up to find that Santa has placed a gift in their stockings and I let them open them first (wouldn't dare to try and stop them).

This morning Bucket jnr came in to speak to me, all serious:

Bucket jnr: Mummy, I want a bumblebee and an optimus prime for Christmas.

Me: Ok.

Bucket jnr: Can you put it on your Christmas list.

Me: Ok.

Bucket jnr: I don't know how big they'll be but Santa can make them for me that way they won't cost you anything (aaahhhh).

Me: Ok but that's a lot for Santa.

Bucket jnr: I think that as I'm getting bigger then the toys should get bigger and more.

Me: Ok, you're going to have to be a REALLY good boy for them.

Bucket jnr: I know, I'm going to try to be good for the rest of my life (he's into big timescales at the moment).

What a sweetie, I tried not to smile too much as he was only standing in front of me in his pants and I was trying to take his seriousness seriously (hope that makes sense).

My lack of words was due to this being a three cups of coffee morning and I was currently on number two so not totally awake.

Ok, a sweetie no longer. He has come back and is now shooting his nerf gun at me with the phrase "I've got me a mummy kebab" - I have no idea where that is from and I probably never will.  Sam xx